Few Reasons to Have a Pitched Roof Conservatory in Your Home

Pitched Roof Conservatory

Conservatories and orangeries are common additions to properties. It transcends factors like architectural pattern and date of construction. These crucial installations promote better ventilation and enhanced light penetration. Consider them a point of connection between the internal and external parts of your property.

Pitched Roof Conservatory: A Practical Choice

You can explore the types of conservatories in Bognor through a plethora of options. You should aim for a fixture that matches the practical and visual factors of your property. Among a wide range of choices, you can opt for pitched roof conservatories.

Why Install a Pitched Roof Conservatory?

A pitched roof conservatory is distinguished for its architectural features. You can customise its design to match the aesthetics of your property. The conservatory offers you multiple practical advantages, too, which we have discussed in the following part.

Better Thermal Efficiency: The sloped tile roofing of the pitched roof conservatory makes it a good insulator. It enables you to enjoy enough sunlight and wind throughout the year. It can also reduce your dependency on electrical heating devices. Resultantly, it slashes your power bill during winter.

Adds More Value: Having a solid, sloped roof conservatory can add more to the total value of your property. If you have plans to sell the property in the near future, you should be wary of this point. The conservatory improves the usability and aesthetic appeal, transforming the overall look of your home. Thus, you can expect to find a potential buyer within a few days of putting it on the selling list.

Improved Acoustics: In a seemingly busy world, peace and calmness are like valuable possessions. You can receive them by installing a pitched roof conservatory in your home. The solid roof layers absorb the noise coming from the external world. This enables you to focus on your work and remain unperturbed by the things happening outside.

Better Aesthetics: Pitched roof conservatories are highly customisable in terms of design and colours. As the property owner, you can stylise the installation according to your choice. Explore the range of colours to match it with the existing theme of the property. The customisation makes the conservatory look like a natural extension of your living space.

These are a few reasons to invest in solid-pitched roof conservatories. If you need expert assistance in designing and establishing one in your garden space, contact Outside Interests. We are a premier service focusing on outdoor living projects in different properties. For more details about our business, visit our website today.

6 Tips to Follow for Conservatory Maintenance

Conservatory Maintenance

A conservatory can greatly enhance the appearance and functionality of your living space. It provides a functional area for indoor gardening, relaxation, and entertainment and can also add value to your home. However, over time, a conservatory can experience wear and tear. Therefore, implementing adequate maintenance measures is crucial to ensure it remains in the best condition.

Strategies for Maintaining Your Conservatory

Here’s the list of measures you must follow for conservatory maintenance:

Regular cleaning: It’s important to clean your conservatory regularly to maintain its good condition. This will help prevent damage caused by debris, dirt, and grime. When cleaning your conservatories, it’s advisable to avoid using harsh chemicals. Instead, use warm water and a mild cleaning solution to achieve your cleaning objectives.

Evaluate the roof: The roof is an integral part of your conservatory structure. It is likely to undergo wear and tear because of adverse weather and debris. It is important to inspect the roof on a regular basis and check for cracks, holes, or damages. If there are any problems, fix these issues as soon as possible.

Maintain gutters: It’s important to keep your gutters free of debris like dirt, twigs, and leaves, as they direct rainwater away from your conservatory and prevent water damage. Neglecting this aspect can cause the flow of water to be blocked, leading to overflow. Therefore, it’s recommended to inspect your gutters regularly to detect any signs of damage.

Maintain a consistent temperature: Adopt certain tactics to maintain a consistent temperature. With this strategy, you can prevent problems like condensation. You can incorporate blinds or curtains to control the amount of sunlight that enters the room.

Seek advice: If you are confused about any aspect of conservatory maintenance, feel free to connect with the professionals at Outside Interests. The specialists will inspect the situation, detect any issues, and give suggestions to you on repairing and maintaining the structure.

By following the above maintenance tips, you ensure that your conservatory remains an elegant and functional space for years to come.

Outside Interests is a company that specialises in conservatories in Hampshire. Over the years, we have been delivering services as per your expectations. Get in touch with our team today to find out more.

Implement these Techniques for an Energy Efficient Conservatory

Construction of Conservatories

A conservatory is one of the important additions to a home’s exterior. Most homeowners plan to construct a conservatory to establish a link between the indoors and nature. Based on individual requirements, the property owners determined the use of this space.

Factors that Limited the Construction of Conservatories:

In the past, you could observe conservatories in large properties exclusively. It was discouraged by most homeowners because of increased energy requirements. It is the primary material used in building a conservatory. This prevented its vital temperature control property, which is popular in modern design.

Elements that Offer You an Energy-Efficient Conservatory:

With the implementation of modern architecture, you can get a highly energy-efficient conservatory in Surrey. All you need to do is implement certain design techniques, which are discussed below.

Glazing: The primary requirement is the selection of glass. It is the primary material for constructing a conservatory. The type of glass will impact the overall temperature of the space. If your location has longer winters, vouch for triple glazing materials. They can retain heat much more efficiently than double glazing. It would reduce your dependency on the thermostat and reduce the bill significantly.

Doors: The conservatory’s heat-retaining property will greatly depend on the type of timber you select. Timber is the main material used to construct window frames and doors, so look for wood types with the best performance against heat. Timber choices like oak and maple offer better protection from heat. However, if you are looking for a budget option, you can also opt for uPVC doors.

Insulation: It is one of the most important energy-saving designer tips for constructing a conservatory. Insulation is crucial to protect heat escaping from the gaps in the space. This should be particularly practised in conservatories with a dwarf wall and a flat roof. With proper insulation, you get a customised space and save a lot on energy costs.

Shading: Properly covering the windows and other glazing parts is crucial to installing an energy-efficient conservatory. When designing the area, ask your contractor to leave enough space beside the windows. Use this space to implement shutters, blinds, or pergolas.

An energy-efficient conservatory protects you from the weather. It also saves you a large amount in power bills. For efficient construction assistance, you can contact a professional source. Contact Outside Interests, a reputable design and build service. We specialise in outdoor projects. Our team consists of contractors. They can assist you in creating an energy-efficient conservatory in Surrey. For more details, you can visit our website today.

Orangery vs Conservatory: Which One is the Right Option for You?

Quality Conservatory

Many people are in a dilemma about whether to go with orangeries or conservatories. Both orangeries and conservatories come with different features. Orangeries and conservatories are different types of property extensions. The objective of them is to transform your interior space by creating an airy and bright interior.

The orangeries and conservatories establish a connection between your house and the surroundings. For proper conservatories in Surrey, get in touch with professional installers.

What is an Orangery?

An orangery is a brick and stone structure with several glazed doors and windows and a glass roof. Usually, the roof is flat and allows natural light to enter. It makes orangeries perfect for growing plants and citrus trees that are responsive to cold weather.

What is a Conservatory?

A conservatory is a more popular choice of home extension. Glazing encompasses an extensive surface area of conservatories. The conservatories provide excellent thermal efficiency and allow more light into your property. The subtle aesthetics of conservatories can open up any room.

What’s the Difference between Orangeries and Conservatories?

A major difference between orangeries and conservatories is the percentage of glazing and the type of roofing structure. An orangery has a solid roof that insulates the space. On the contrary, a conservatory comprises a fully glazed roof.

An orangery may feature columns or a dwarf wall that offers insulation. A conservatory has more glazing and less insulation. Hence, orangeries are warmer than conservatories during winter days and cooler during summer.

Orangeries and conservatories are excellent choices for individuals who aim to add an extension to their property. With these extensions in place, your space will be filled with natural light. You can use this place to relax, grow plants, and entertain your guests.

Which Option Is Right for You?

Before arriving at a decision, you have to focus on the architectural style and overall details of your home. If you want to impart a contemporary style, go with conservatories without giving it a second thought. Conservatories in Surrey have all-glass designs and will enhance the aesthetics of your property. Orangeries are also built in a modern style but mostly added to period homes. Below are some of the considerations you need to make in this regard:

  • What’s the function of the room?
  • Are you inclined to apply for planning permission?
  • What will be your budget?
  • Where will you position the new structure?

Outside Interests is a local orangeries and conservatories, design, and build firm. We supply and fit high-performance systems that upgrade the appearance and usability of your existing conservatory. This way, we will renovate your current living space. We also replace your existing conservatory roof with a partially glazed one or a solid roof. Get in touch to learn more about our services.

When Do You Need a Conservatory Replacement? Look Out For the Signs

Conservatory Replacement, Outside Interests

The installation of a conservatory within the property is undoubtedly a beneficial aspect. However, to use the same effectively, ensure the conservatory is maintained well. Unfortunately, problems with the conservatory roof might emerge with time. To ensure that you keep availing yourself of the benefits of the conservatories, look out for the signs of damage in the conservatory roof. Sometimes, the damage becomes beyond repair. Under such circumstances, a conservatory replacement is the only option left.

Here are a few signs that confirm that the conservatory needs to be replaced. Look for the same, and hire professionals for prompt services for conservatory roof replacements.

Five signs that your conservatory roof needs to be replaced

Leaking conservatory roofs 

Did you experience a sudden water ingress through the roofs of the conservatory? Then, it’s a clear sign that the roof needs to be replaced. Although the summers and the winters will not give you this indication, the extreme downpours are enough to make you understand the problem. It is difficult to fix the leak. Instead, it would help if you got the conservatory roof replaced immediately.

Outside noise within the premises 

A conservatory is a silent room within the property you had built to spend a few alone moments. What if you start hearing disturbances from the outside noise? Then certainly there are problems with the conservatory roof. Get in touch with professionals and get it replaced immediately.

Fluctuations in temperature 

Are you unable to control the temperature changes within the conservatory? Especially if you have a glass conservatory roof and it feels unbearably cold in winter and hot in summer, then there’s something wrong with the roof. Before things go out of hand, ensure you get a complete roof replacement.

Problems with condensation 

Condensation is a common problem, and it is visible in the conservatories. However, if the amount of condensation worsens, there’s something wrong with the conservatory roof. If the problem persists, the roof will be damaged beyond repair, and you’ll need to replace it completely.

Visible damage 

The most common sign is the visible damage on the roofs of the conservatory. Especially if you find cracks and other problems in the roof of the conservatory, then make sure that the visible damage is either fixed or the entire roof is replaced.

Are you looking for professionals to help you with conservatory replacements? Get in touch with Outside Interests. We can supply and fit different types of conservator replacements. To know more, check our website.

Why Having A Glass Conservatory Is Always A Suitable Option For Homeowners?

Why Having A Glass Conservatory Is Always A Suitable Option For Homeowners Outside Interests

A glass roof conservatory is a beautiful addition to any building. It offers a unique way of enjoying outdoor views while staying protected from harsh weather conditions.

Adding a glass conservatory to your home is a good option for an extra living space. Every conservatory design has glass as its primary layout. The use of glass not only gives a luxurious feel but also comes with lots of practical advantages.

Besides, customisation of these structures increases functional aspects as well. Here, you will get information on conservatories made from glass and what their benefits are.

The Benefits of Using Glass Conservatories

  • Allow More Natural Light

A glass roof conservatory is always a good option, allowing more natural light. It changes the look and feel of the space as well.

The glass roofing panels allow the sunlight to enter, making the space look brighter and airy. Getting natural light in the room improves your mood and provides relaxation. If you want to welcome light into the space and boost your mood, installing a glass roofing conservatory is preferable.

  • Connect Indoor And Outdoor Living

A conservatory made up of a glass roof seamlessly connects your indoor and outdoor living. It allows you to enjoy the natural beauty of your outdoors from the comfort of your home, regardless of the weather.

You can even open the doors and windows during hot summer afternoons, allowing the cool air to come in while staying away from pest infections.

  • Glass Roofing Conservatory Is Versatile In Nature

These structures are versatile and used in many ways. They make an excellent space for family enjoyment, a home workstation, a playroom for the children, or simply a place to relax and read your favourite book. By using such conservatories, possibilities are many.

  • Low Maintenance Needed

Unlike other conservatories, which need regular painting and maintenance, a glass conservatory requires low maintenance. Besides, glass panels are quite easy to clean. The entire structure is designed to withstand excessive pressure from external elements. It is also a cost-effective solution for those wanting additional home space.

These are major reasons homeowners should opt for glass roofing conservatories. At Outside Interests, we have a team of professional designers who will work closely with you to know your needs and offer bespoke structures that suit your needs and choices. Consult our designers to know more.

Discovering the Beauty of Conservatories in West Sussex

Conservatories in West Sussex

Discovering the Beauty of Conservatories in West Sussex

A conservatory is an elegant and versatile addition to any home. It provides a charming space where you can sit back and relax, enjoying the beauty of nature without needing to step outside. With modern design and structural charm, conservatories in West Sussex have become something that could be the perfect addition to your home. If you are looking into a conservatory for your home or simply wondering what it looks like, here at Outside Interests, we can help you. Opting for a conservatory is a huge decision, so in this blog post, you will learn more about what a conservatory is and why it can add value and completely transform your home.

Different types of Conservatories in West Sussex

One of the most important factors to consider while choosing a conservatory for your home is the design and type, and here at Outside Interests, we offer a wide range of styles and design ideas for you. There are different types of conservatories available, including Victorian style, Gable End and Edwardian style. The design of each type is unique, offering great aesthetic value to your existing home. For instance, the Victorian style is perfect for homes with a more traditional look, whereas the Edwardian style is ideal for creating a simple but impressive look. Here at Outside Interests, during your initial consultation, you will sit down with our experts, who will discuss and give their advice on what they think would match your home best, as well as what would work depending on the space available and what you want your new conservatory to be used for.

What Materials are used for Conservatories?  

Conservatories can be constructed using a variety of materials, including uPVC, timber, and aluminium. Each material has its unique benefits and drawbacks that you need to consider. Outside Interests can guide you in the right direction when it comes to choosing the material for your new build.

What are the Benefits of Owning a Conservatory? 

Owning a conservatory offers many benefits to homeowners. It provides additional space, making it possible to create a new space for your family to entertain guests or enjoy a meal. It also adds value to your home, making it more attractive to potential buyers if you decide to sell it in the future. With its energy-efficient construction, conservatories can help reduce your energy bills and make your home more environmentally friendly. It can completely transform your home and allow more natural light to enter.

A conservatory is an incredible way to expand your home and bring the beauty of nature indoors. They provide a versatile space that can be adapted to your needs, whether it’s a quiet reading nook or an entertainment and family area. With so many styles, materials, and furnishings to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect conservatory that will enhance your home with Outside Interests. Contact us today for more information, and follow our Facebook and Instagram to find out more.

Ways You Can Utilise A Newly Built Conservatory at Your Home

Glass Conservatory

Adding a conservatory or an orangery is one of the most useful modern property expansion ideas. If you have the available space in your vicinity, you can absolutely go for constructing a conservatory. With personalised design and customised materials, you can make it the cosy space you always dreamt of.

Determine Conservatory Utilisation Beforehand:

Constructing a conservatory is one of the most vital home expansion tasks where you must get the help of professionals. However, even before planning to extend the space, you must decide how your conservatory would be utilised once finished. The usage will primarily depend on the type of room you want in your home.

Perfect Ideas to Utilise Your Conservatory Area:

As a homeowner, you can discover multiple ways of utilising a newly built conservatory. In the following part, we point out some of the most creative ideas for using the space of conservatories in Hampshire.


It is one of the most popular ways to use a newly constructed conservatory. You can make the space more comfortable by adding comfortable furniture pieces, like sofas, chairs, and a center table. Adding a television can make the property an exclusive place for hanging out with friends and family.

Extended Kitchen:

Is your existing kitchen established in a limited space? You can always extend it while establishing a conservatory by its side. Not only does it give more space for you to cook, but you also get a spacious storage area to keep your kitchen essentials. However you want to use the space, the choice is ultimately yours.

Study Room or Home Office:

In the modern era, the demand for an exclusive workspace in a property is high. Most corporate conglomerates now allow their employees to work from home. You can make the most of it by extending the conservatory into a home office space. The area will offer abundant natural light and a great view to help you focus and enhance productivity.

These are some useful ways of using a conservatory on your property. While constructing one for your home, you would need the help of an expert. Get in touch with Outside Interests to get the perfect assistance. We are one of the well-known names for modifying garden space in homes with modern design solutions. You can also rely on our team to create well-designed conservatories in Hampshire. To learn more about us, you can contact us or visit our website.

Check Out 4 Styles of Conservatories and How They Are Distinct: In Detail

Check Out 4 Styles of Conservatories and How They Are Distinct

A conservatory is custom-built with different choices of raw materials and fixtures depending upon the choice of homeowners. Like different house styles, you can also choose various features and shapes of conservatories in Surrey.
The design of a conservatory is a fundamental element that either breaks or makes the overall look of this space and the entire home. Every conservatory has its look, structure, decoration, and views. Each style has an aesthetic feel and look, depending on how you use the conservatory in your home.

Top Styles for Conservatories That You Need To Check: Key Points

Victorian Conservatories

It is one of the most common conservatories that you see around. The Victorians developed this unique style in the 17th century during Queen Victoria’s reign. These conservatories have pitched roofs, ornate roofing ridges, bell-shaped bayfronts, and other unique designs.

Lean-to Conservatories

The lean-to conservatories or the Mediterranean conservatories are popular choices among homeowners needing more garden space.
These conservatories have three sides and an exterior wall that makes the fourth side. The structure is finished with a sloping roof. They are simple yet perfect to build within the budget.

P-shape Conservatories

The P-shape conservatory gets its name from its shape. The P-shape extension combines different components of a lean-to-conservatory with the Victorian style.
This style is costly compared to the other designs you can get. However, this design includes lots of space that families use for daily tasks.

Sunburst Conservatories

The Georgian architecture defines something fashionable yet functioning. This style was introduced during the rule of King George III. This design is best for its clean and straight linear shapes, stucco finish, large sashed windows, etc.
These conservatories are used for growing plants as warmth helps the delicate fruits and flowers grow throughout the year.

The Roofs of Conservatories

Almost all the conservatories’ roofs are made from glass. But, these days, the builders are also using tiles as roofs. The glass roofing brings lots of light inside. However, with the tiled roofs, you can make your conservatory appear uniform with the rest of your home. The tile conservatory roof is good for insulation, noise reduction, and security features.
Do you want to have a conservatory in your home? Consult the team from Outside Interests as they experience and know how to build a conservatory adjacent to your house. Explore more of the varieties from the site.

4 Key Ways to Create a Stylish, Multifunctional Conservatory

4 Ways to Create a Stylish, Multifunctional Conservatory

So, you’ve decided to take the plunge and install a conservatory in your home.

…now what?

Well, now’s the time to start thinking about how to make that space worth the investment. How to get the most bang for your buck. How to use the new space in the most efficient, practical way.

Luckily for you, our team are experts in all things practical, and have compiled a list of ways you can create a multifunctional space for you and all the family to share and enjoy.

Light it Up

Let’s start simple.

If you’re anything like us, your favourite part of the day is probably opening up your curtains first thing in the morning to see what the outside world has to offer that day.

Sometimes, the most basic things are the most effective. There’s nothing quite as visually appealing and functional as natural light in a home.

Of course, there’s no better space in the house to let in natural light than the conservatory. Your close proximity to the outside world means you’ll never run low on vitamin D, which is essential for keeping you happy and productive throughout the day.

Not to mention, having a well-lit room will go a long way in terms of making the space appear more spacious.

Get in the Zone

If you want to maximise the space, why not make it multiple spaces?

Nothing will make a space more versatile than literally splitting it up into sections, dedicating each zone to a different activity.

Need somewhere to work? Pick out a stylish desk and pop it in a corner with plenty of sunlight, close to a power outlet.

Want somewhere to zen out and meditate? Grab yourself a cosy armchair or beanbag and put it at the other end of the conservatory.

There’s no limit to the number of things you can do with your conservatory. Splitting your space into dedicated spaces will help save space and keep you organised.

Think Multiuse

You know what’s multifunctional? Furniture that’s… well, multifunctional. 

If you’re looking to save space, remember you don’t necessarily need something for everything.

Turns out, desks can double as dining tables. Storage boxes can double as shelves. The list goes on and on.

There are also plenty of furniture pieces on the market designed specifically for multiple purposes or to save space. Think laptop trays for your sofa. Fold-away tables and chairs. Nesting tables. Again, the list is inexhaustible. 

If You Don't Need It, Store It

Nothing quite clutters up a space like… clutter.

Shocking, right?

Having plenty of room for storage is key to keeping your space clean and multifunctional. There are countless ways you can store your items with style, from bookcases and cupboards to boxes that double as coffee tables.

Conservatories With Character

For conservatories that never compromise on style or functionality, head down to Outside Interests in Barnham today. Our experienced team members are experts in all things conservatories and are always happy to offer advice where needed.